Citrusdal, South Africa

This month we bring you a luxury Green Rooibos from Citrusdal, located at the southern end of the Cederberg Mountains, Western Cape, South Africa.
About three centuries ago, the indigenous Khoi-Khoi tribe of the Western Cape Province used the leaves of the Rooibos plant (Aspalathus Linearis) as a tea, and relished in its exceptional taste, aroma and later, health benefits.
Known by the natives as ‘Red Bush’, the leaf is handpicked, chopped and left to cure outside in the mountain air, slowly turning a deep red colour. Much of the world’s Rooibos comes from this region, but this month we are celebrating a very rare and sort after Green Rooibos. Typically made by smallholdings of low volume, the oxidation of the leaf is stopped by the application of heat, which packs in more of the health benefits of the tea, keeping it in its rawest, greener colour form. This makes Citrusdal a very special tea that is only available from this unique region. It is naturally caffeine-free, making it the perfect tea for the evening. It is also packed with antioxidants and studies have shown it can help make your body stronger and healthier - just what we need during this pandemic. In fact, native women often take Rooibos during pregnancy to relieve heartburn and nausea, even giving it to their babies to relieve colic - perhaps consult your doctor before trying this!
Why we love Citrusdal
Green Rooibos is acclaim for its health-giving benefits, which is something we all need right now. It makes the perfect evening tea, thanks to it being caffeine-free and works really well with a variety of flavours, like honey, ginger, sugar and lemon. Despite the name, it is not a green tea, which is made from the Camellia Sinensis plant.
Location: Citrusdal Smallholding Estate
Country: South Africa
Capital City: Cape Town
Coordinates: 32°20′S 19°5′E
Elevation: 1,532 m above sea level
Soil type: Sandy topsoils
Manufacture: Cederberg Mountains
Season: March
Av temp: 20°C
> The first human heart transplant was performed in Cape Town.
> Cave paintings are found in South Africa from 75,000 years ago.
> South Africa is called the ‘Rainbow Nation’ from multiculturalism.
> It is recommended to keep Rooibos consumption to 6 cups/day