Valentine's Day - Love it, or Loathe it?

Love it or loathe it, Valentine’s day is upon us this week, and that means we are about to be inundated with pink fluffy hearts, fat baby cherubs, and lots of people displaying public soppy posts of affection.
Routed deep in history, the story of St Valentine goes back centuries. Legend has it that St Valentine was a Roman priest, in the 3rd century, and didn’t like the rules imposed over the army of Emperor Claudius II. Under the Emperor, soldiers were forbidden to marry, as it was thought that they made better fighters without families of their own. Valentine, realising the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.
I am no historian though however, and whatever you research online, the answer to why we actually celebrate February 14th as Valentine’s day is murky, to say the least. So how did the apparent brave actions of one love loving priest turn into a fluffy heart wielding, fat cherub, and a reason to spend a small fortune on naff presents…?
Don’t get me wrong, I am a very happily married newlywed, but I choose to see Valentine’s as an opportunity. An opportunity to spread a little love around, not just save it for one person. I choose to show my husband I love him in the little ways each day. Likewise with my friends and family. But why stop there…?
Have you thought about how you could share the love around a little more? Maybe make a BRUU in the office tomorrow morning, better yet, take your latest tea in to share with them! Bake a cake for somebody just because… one of my favourite recipes here courtesy of Liv For Cake, you get the idea!
You will see more about my theory in your February BRUU box, and if you haven’t signed up to yours yet, hurry… just click here and you won’t be too late to sign up to receive this month’s box.
So go on, this Valentine’s, get the kettle on and get creative with your love, we are sure there is enough of it to go around!
Happy Valentine’s day
Sophie xxx
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