The best teas to take on holiday

The best teas to take on holiday

With most of 2020 feeling like we have been under lock and key, August offers many a glimpse of freedom as we make arrangements for long-awaited holidays, some venturing out into the unknown abroad, others residing in the safety of the UK. Nevertheless, we’ve got a plan for all you tea drinkers out there - we’ve compiled a list of the top tea’s to take with you on holiday.

All holidays begin with some element of travel, be it a flight or car ride. However you get there, you are sure to arrive a little tired. We’d recommend our Jasmine Green to help give you a gentle pick me up and fill your body with some powerful antioxidants, so you have the energy to start unpacking!

It’s now time to head out for lunch and if you are anything like me, the diet goes on hold as you trade your usual supermarket sandwich for a three-course sit-down meal. To help keep tiredness at bay after your holiday feast, have a Chai tea which has a gentle caffeine kick but is also filled with spices that will do wonders for your digestive system.

Next, it’s time for some fun around the pool or down the beach. Are you the acrobat, an adventurer challenging the strong tide in the contained ocean. Or perhaps you are the sunshine sloth, those who enjoy the delicacies of poolside relaxation, alcoholic beverage in hand. Regardless of which you are, nothing beats a cheeky bit of Ice-Cream. Our Orange Ice-Cream is refreshing without the calories or sugar.

As you unwind at the end of the day and reflect on the fun you have undoubtedly had, take a Calming Camomile to bed which will help unwind you and ease you into sleep. Camomile is commonly regarded as a mild tranquilizer or sleep inducer. Its calming effects may be attributed to an antioxidant called apigenin, which is found in abundance in chamomile tea. Apigenin binds to specific receptors in your brain that may decrease anxiety and initiate sleep.

Now, depending on how the night before went you might need a strong kick in the morning so you can do it all over again. Nothing beats a cup of Diamond Black, which is a premium earl grey tea that helps to regulate your blood pressure and has antioxidants that will help you fight the previous day's aftermath. However you spend your holiday, remember to pack your favorite BRUU teas so that you can have a home from home.  

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