A Spring in Your Steep. The Blooming Season.

A Spring in Your Steep. The Blooming Season.

With December a long forgotten month and with Spring just around the corner – we have started making a list of teas that would bring “spring” with every cup of tea you would enjoy.

While Spring is a welcomed season in the wake of winter, it can still be a little unpredictable. One day you might be enjoying a mild afternoon then the next couple of days it may rain. With that switch in weather, you want to be ready with something to cool you down and with something that will give you warmth when you need it.

Something fruity…

On those afternoons when you need something to cool you down choosing something fruity (or herbal) is worth a try. Pair it with a book to read while swinging on a hammock – simply divine!

Check our BRUU selection to see which type of fruity or herbal tea would suit your taste. I am sure we have a blend that will tickle your fancy.

Warm as a hug…

If the weather has shifted and you are stuck with an afternoon drizzle (or downpour) you can forgo the sweet, fruity teas and opt for something that is both comforting, and yes, as warming as a hug!

Sit by the window and watch as the rain pours down while in the comfort of your home with a warm tea as company.

We have a wide variety of tea offered here at BRUU; we have an ever-growing selection that can turn your afternoon from dreary to exhilarating in just a couple of minutes!

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