
Last updated 08.02.22 - Business operates as usual in accordance with current guidelines.
The GOOD NEWS is we're still dispatching orders and our couriers are operating as normal. We are maintaining a quick delivery service, but please be aware that delivery times may vary due to the global disruption of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Whilst we have not heard of any issues with domestic couriers, we are working closely with all our partners to ensure the smooth delivery of your teas. In the event of any delays, we will keep you informed. We are very fortunate that our teas come in letterbox friendly packaging, so this reduces the requirement for any signatures or handling.
Opening Hours
We will continue to operate BRUU at our usual Mon-Fri 9:00 to 17:00 hours or until we are told otherwise by the Government. We have put in place measures to enable remote working, so we can continue to take orders and help customers, regardless of the circumstances. Our monthly BRUU dispatch date, at the end of each month, will remain unaffected and we are here to speak on the phone if you would need any help.
We have put in place vigorous cleaning procedures to ensure that all orders leaving BRUU are clean and we are reassured by the expert's suggestion that the virus cannot survive the post system. However, we recommend wiping down your box before handling, as an extra safety measure, once it is delivered. Our teas are prepared in a dedicated lab, free of contaminants and we use food-grade machinery to reduce handling.
Our mindset during Covid-19
To all our amazing members facing these challenging and uncertain circumstances. Our normal way of life has been put on hold, but we here at BRUU are trying to maintain a ‘business as usual philosophy. These testing times present us all with an opportunity to improve what we do, after all, it is not the strongest of the species that survive, but those most adaptable to change.
For some, our monthly tea delivery is a welcomed luxury, which is good for your health and it's a well know fact that next to every emergency, is a good cup of tea.
We wish you and your family the best throughout this situation and will leave you with words from Winston Churchill…Keep Buggering On. Stay safe.
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