How Nature Can Teach You to Keep Your Resolutions
Well, we're well into the New Year now and it's almost February. Already the team here at BRUU HQ have began our resolutions, both personally and professionally. We know that it’s around this time that the loyalty to our resolutions are really tested, temptation makes for a deviation from the so called “straight and narrow path” towards success.
So how can we prevent deviation from the path of success? Grab a tea as we dive in...
Exploring this idea, I will outline my New Years Resolutions for this year, as well as how tea is surprisingly more of a symbol for self-development and growth than you may have originally suspected.
Let’s begin with the symbolism of tea. As you know, our teas are grown in thousands of exotic locations around the globe. A personal favourite of mine is Terry's Rooibos. Its flavoursome chocolate chips that instantly tickle your scent receptors are something out of this world, never mind the time it takes for the aromatic orange to declare its stance. But how does this correlate to symbolism? The nature of tea is that it’s ever-growing, come the frosty time in the winter season, it pushes on. Thriving despite its unaccommodating conditions, adapting and developing itself every year so that it can fight harder against the challenges to come. The world is going through immense change now, under the conditions that Covid has created.
So, when thinking about it, it's a lot similar to ourselves than you may have originally thought. Every year life gets a little harder, and our New Years Resolutions act to strengthen our sense of self for the trials and tribulations to come. Like tea, how long we stay on the path of success is determined by ourselves. If nature can keep its New Years Resolution every year, then surely we can do the same?
This year, BRUU HQ has set a New Years Resolution to get to the Next Level. To push the boundaries of what we think is possible. Adapt to the new norm, succeeding, not only with style, but with safety. It goes without saying that freshness, superior taste, convenience and discovery are important parts of what we do. But the real magic happens when you get a group of people together, aligned to a common set of values and missions.
If you're unsure as to what New Years Resolutions you should make, here are mine, hopefully, these might give you some inspiration. This year, I have made myself a few resolutions, because I want to take advantage of the lack of socialisation we have and focus on self-development. The top two resolutions on my list are to read a new book every month and write my second book. Each of these resolutions are targets, I feel it won’t be easy, however, I am excited by the challenge I have presented myself with, as well as looking forward to achieving the goal. Granted, there will be temptations to stop or stray from the “straight and narrow path”. To counter this, I’ve devised my overall goals into fractional targets, smaller goals to achieve every month or every week. For example, when it comes to the book, read one-quarter of it over a week.
In the end, don’t give up on your resolutions because you never know what you might be missing out on. Resolutions can be used as a way to look back more positively on the past year. Keep working on your resolution, your drives, your ambitions, and you will achieve them. As always, think of having a nice BRUU to keep you going, or for a sense of peace as you look back on the past year. Don’t forget to get in touch, telling us your New year resolutions and how to aim to achieve them.
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