Why Our Goals for 2019 Are Rubbish...
For a business that is growing as fast as we are, goal setting is super important. To start the year as you mean to go on, and be able to measure your success at the end of it, can make all the difference. We are so lucky to work somewhere where we are encouraged to grow professionally and personally and are given the tools and support we need to do it. You can go down the corporate acronym route and set S.M.A.R.T. objectives, or look incredibly deeply into the strategy and analysis of things, but at BRUU HQ, we set goals that come from our hearts.
Our first day back at work was a goal setting and planning day up to The Sill on Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland. First item on the agenda was a 2 hour walk along the wall, to soak up the scenery and blow away the Christmas cobwebs, we got all the idle chatter out of the way (We had a lot to catch up on, Christmas, New Year, Weddings and Honeymoons!), and after a bacon sandwich, we cracked on with our plans for the year.
As I said, all of the goals we set were from the heart. We know we want to grow our BRUU family, and we are aiming to double our number of members by the end of the year. We want to double the size of our team here too! We want to improve our customer service, although we are pretty good at it already, but there is always room for improvement! We want to plan a couple of surprises for you lovely lot, so stay tuned for those. We also want to be more ethically aware of our products, and more environmentally responsible.
So BRUUsters, our first goal of the year has been achieved… one week into 2019! Our team grew a lot last year, but more people means more waste, so today saw us take delivery of proper recycling bins in the office and we have made a rota as to who will take them to the local recycling centre. We also are compiling a page of our website that will let you know all the other ethical decisions we consider when sourcing our tea, and packaging to ensure everything is responsibly sourced. We also have some super things planned for the BRUU boxes and packaging!
If there is anything you would like to see from us, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we love hearing from you. 2019… We are coming to get you!
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