DIY Tea Hair Treatment

DIY Tea Hair Treatment

The health benefits that accompany drinking tea are not uncommon knowledge. The list is endless, for instance, tea’s ability to promote weight loss and boost your immune system. However, consumption of our delicious BRUU tea is not the only way to benefit from its spectacular properties. A tea rinse for your hair – yes, using tea ON your hair – may very well give you the lustrous locks you’ve been longing for.

How tea can help your hair

1) Ditch the itch

    An itchy scalp can be caused by any reason, ranging from stress to simply a reaction from your hair care products. Rinsing with chamomile tea after shampooing your hair can help to reduce the amount of remaining product on your scalp, which could potentially irritate you.

    2) Put a halt to hair loss

      Dihydrotestosterone is an androgen that can present in the hair follicle, resulting in hair loss. Black tea can help to diminish the production of this hormone and put a stop to your hair falling out.

      3) Lengthen your locks

        Caffeine dives deep into your hair follicles and encourages circulation, which stimulates hair growth. Caffeine causes stimulation in a very similar way to a scalp massage you receive at the hairdressers. The reason this is so often offered to customers is due to the massage’s ability to promote blood flow to the scalp, thus increasing the chances of faster hair growth.

        Use tea to dye your hair

        Are you torn between reluctance to potentially damage your hair with more dye and the urge to cover your greys? Look no further, BRUU has the answer. Sage tea is a cheap, much less damaging alternative to hair dye, which also happens to be much better for the environment. What more could you ask for? However, the results are not instantaneous. Each time you rinse your hair with sage tea, your greys will get darker. They will gradually begin to match the rest of your hair in colour and become much less noticeable. Furthermore, the antioxidant properties of sage will help to reduce the likelihood of new grey hairs forming.

        How to make your DIY hair tea treatment

        • Start by boiling the kettle. Pour your hot water and add up to 5 tea bags, depending on your desired potency. Perhaps start small and work your way up to more tea bags – see which amount makes the biggest difference to your locks. Whilst the kettle is boiled and your tea rinse is cooling, make yourself a cuppa using our unbeatable BRUU tea bags.
        • Once your treatment has cooled to a safe temperature, begin your usual hair washing process by shampooing and conditioning. Unless you’re a curly girl like me, clarifying with conditioner will be just fine. After completing this step, the towel dries your hair until it is slightly damp. Add the tea solution to your scalp and give yourself the head massage we’ve all missed during the lockdown.
        • Next, pour the remaining liquid over the rest of your hair, ensuring that you coat all of your strands. Cover your hair with a shower cap and wait for 20-30 minutes whilst your treatment works its magic. Finally, rinse out with water and add a leave-in conditioner for silky smooth, nourished strands.

          Thank you to Claudia for writing this blog.

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